Horizon Power Pilbara Network
Frequently asked questions
About the Pilbara Electricity Reform & Network Access
What is the North West Interconnected System (NWIS)?
The NWIS refers to the interconnected electricity generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The NWIS comprises several interconnected networks, owned and operated by different Network Service Providers. Some of these networks, such as Horizon Power’s network, are classed as covered networks.
Learn more about Horizon Power's covered network and view the network facilities in the Pilbara region.
What is Horizon Power Pilbara Network?
From coverage commencement date, Horizon Power Pilbara Network will be a ring fenced business unit within Horizon Power responsible for managing Horizon Power's covered NWIS network.
Why did the coverage commencement date of Horizon Power’s network in the NWIS change?
In December 2019, the coverage commencement date of Horizon Power’s NWIS network was deferred from 1 January 2020 to 1 July 2020 to allow for the passage of the Electricity Industry Amendment Bill 2019 and for the supporting regulations and other subsidiary instruments to be finalised.
While the Bill passed through the Parliament on 2 April 2020 and received Royal Assent on 6 April 2020, the Pilbara electricity reforms will not come into effect until the subsidiary instruments are in place.
Given the impact of COVID-19, the coverage commencement date of the Pilbara electricity reforms and coverage of Horizon Power’s NWIS network was subsequently extended to 1 July 2021. Extending the coverage date provided additional time to consult with stakeholders on the implementation of the regulatory, policy and operational measures necessary to support effective third-party access and retail competition in the Pilbara.
Where can I learn more about the Pilbara Electricity Reforms?
For more information, please visit Pilbara Electricity Reforms and 1 July 2021 update.
After the coverage commencement date, can customers choose their retailers?
Yes, customers who consume 1,200MWh or more of electricity per year at each exit point within the Horizon Power’s covered network (i.e. the point where your property or business is connected to the Horizon Power’s covered network) may choose their own retailer. These customers are referred to as “contestable customers”.
Please refer to the Electricity Corporations (Pilbara Prescribed Customers) Order 2021 for definition of prescribed customers (which are non-contestable customers).
Who can apply for access to Horizon Power’s network in the NWIS?
From the coverage commencement date of 1 July 2021, anyone can apply for access. However, due to the costs, process and practicality, applicants or access seekers will typically be a current or future retailer in the NWIS, major industrial load or generator.
There is a transition period between the coverage commencement date and 7 January 2022, during which Horizon Power will undertake a public consultation process on several documents as required under the Pilbara Networks Access Code 2021. During the transition period, an access dispute cannot be commenced in respect of access to the Horizon Power coastal network.
How do I apply for a new connection?
Please click on the relevant links in the "connections" tab.
Looking for something else?
If you are a Horizon Power customer with questions about your electricity supply or account, please visit our website.